Design Sprint

What is Design Sprint?

Design Sprint is an agile methodology created by Google Ventures, Google’s startup division, in 2012. It is a process of up to 5 days, applied to answer critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers.

The Design Sprint is a hands-on, collaborative methodology that offers the advantage of moving quickly to see your product clearly and also customer reactions before the full project is developed.

How does it work?

The Design Sprint is divided into 5 days, with one stage being applied per day:

  1. Day 1 (Monday) – Unpack:
    This is the day to share all the different views on the project, either from the Marketing, Sales or Support department, through the consumers, to the experts. On this day the scope of the week should be defined;
  2. Day 2 (Tuesday) – Sketch:
    On the second day we sketch the ideas raised on the first day individually with the selection of the best ones at the end of the day by the team;
  3. Day 3 (Wednesday) – Decide:
    The third day should focus on refining and selecting the best ideas for prototyping at the end of the day;
  4. Day 4 (Thursday) – Prototype:
    The fourth day is focused on building the prototypes for testing, which should be as close as possible to the final product. We must also plan and prepare the test application that will be done on the last day;
  5. Day 5 (Friday) – Test:
    The last day is reserved for testing with users. After the tests, based on the results and feedbacks, the company will have a better basis to decide on the project.

Who should participate?

It is important that the team has up to 7 members and must be multidisciplinary, with enough knowledge of the business: Marketing, Customer, Technology, and UX/Design.

Two important roles are the Decision Maker, who has the power of decision for the project, and the Facilitator, who will conduct the entire Design Sprint application.

See other cases

Menu digitization and integration project for greater operational efficiency and cost reduction
Accelerating the automaker's digital presence, in all of its launches
Delivery: Understanding the channel and improving the conversion rate
Experimento: User journey mapping for application improvement
Martins Wholesale: Applying research for continuous improvement of digital products
Digital transformation for one of the largest newspapers in Brazil
DS Envolve: Spreading the Design System culture
Regional Glossary: More than 3,000 expressions spoken in the four corners of Brazil for greater effectiveness and engagement in media pieces
Forest Design System: Decreased prototyping time for new products and increased productivity for the development team

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