Future Design

What is it?

Future Design is a trend research with the goal of understanding the principal questions about a theme. With all the information obtained with the research, we classify the trends and futures hypothesis and create an opportunity map with the action planning for the requestor company.

When to apply

This project is indicated to companies of any sector who want to understand the actions of a specific segment and new behaviors of use and consumption that can emerge for updates on products and services. The project is also indicated to understand the way for a company or service to approximate and be a pioneer on new technologies.

Project’s Goal

With Future Design, it’s possible to do a qualitative and quantitative mapping of social and technological comportment that surges on a determined area, allowing to certificate new key points or with great relevance, but at this moment don’t have a great visibility.

The goal, therefore, is to have content to generate new products and technologies, attending to the necessities of today’s public and the future’s public.

The stages of a Future Design project

  1. Desk Research:
    A deep research using secondary data to understand the theme from global scope to local scene;
  2. Survey:
    To complete the previous research, we carry out quantitative research with a survey to understand factual information about the theme and update information founded on previous stage;
  3. Interview with public:
    We select people with the research theme related profile to deepen qualitative the obtained result of the survey and understand their behavior about the theme;
  4. Interview with specialists:
    In this stage, we interview professionals from the studied area and innovation leaders to understand their business view of the research theme;
  5. Trends report:
    We show the research results on a landing page, when we talk about the most important trends founded;
  6. Opportunities map:
    In the same report, we highlight the most important improvement points or what’s opportunities to carry to adjust to the founded trends;
  7. Action plan:
    We elaborate with the client a possible workflow that they can put the opportunities that make sense for the company into practice.


  • Creation of new business opportunities, consistent with the public and actuation sector;
  • Trend data repository that helps all business sectors;
  • Be the first in the market on innovations, new products and services;
  • Solid and clear action planning and business growth.

See other cases

Delivery: Understanding the channel and improving the conversion rate
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DS Envolve: Spreading the Design System culture
Experimento: User journey mapping for application improvement
Regional Glossary: More than 3,000 expressions spoken in the four corners of Brazil for greater effectiveness and engagement in media pieces
Digital transformation for one of the largest newspapers in Brazil
Structuring and optimizing the e-commerce digital experience, modernizing the back office and increasing the conversion rate
Menu digitization and integration project for greater operational efficiency and cost reduction
Martins Wholesale: Applying research for continuous improvement of digital products
Forest Design System: Decreased prototyping time for new products and increased productivity for the development team

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